Herrmidifier Model 465-C1 Rotating Drum Humidifier
Most people don't realize it, but humidity can actually make your home feel cooler.
Low indoor humidity can cause dry skin, and make the air feel colder than it really is due to the lack of moisture in the air. Low relative humidity can even dry out the wood in your home, leading to drywall and plaster cracking.
By increasing the relative humidity in your home, you will feel more comfortable at 68 degrees than you will at 73 degrees with a lower relative humidity level. Lower thermostat settings in the winter will help you save on your monthly energy bills.
The Herrmidifier Model 465-C1 Duct Mount Rotating Drum Humidifier releases a superfine mist throughout your home that will raise the relative humidity in your home, in turn allowing you to lower your thermastat temperature and decrease your energy bills!
The 465C1 Rotating Drum Humidifier works by drawing air across a moistened evaporator pad and releasing the superfine mist throughout your home.
Having a Humidifier in your home will not only make it possible for you to feel more comfortable with your thermastat set to 68 F than when it is set to 73 F, it will also lower engery bills especially during the heating season! And Model 465-C1 has the added benefit of only requiring 1/2 inch of overhead clearance which makes it optimal for fitting in tight spaces. Also known as part number 352440-001.
Herrmidifier Model 465-CI Humidifier Specifications and Features:
- Observation Window that allows for quick evaporator pad inspection
- Low Maintenance Costs
- 2 Year Limited Warranty
- Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions
- Wall or Duct Mount Humidistat
- Voltage: 24V / 60Hz / 3.0 watt motor
- Unit Dimensions: 14 3/4" x 11" x 11 1/2"
- Duct Opening: 7 5/8" x 4 5/8"
- All brass valve assembly with stainless stell seat
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