51061R | WIX |OFS#: 97-28-6038
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PERFORMANCE DATAMicron Rating: 0.00Beta Rating: Collapse Pressure Rating: Maximum Temperature: Direction of Flow: OUTSIDE->IN Recommended Changeout Differential Pressure: 20 PSID DIMENSIONAL SPECIFICATIONS(A) Outer Diameter, Top:(B) Outer Diameter, Bottom: (C) Inner Diameter, Top: (D) Inner Diameter, Bottom: (E) Length: (F) Thread: PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSHandle: NONESeal Material: Type of Adhesive: Type of Endcap: PLATED STEEL Center Tube: Type of Media: Filter Area: SQ.IN. Plating: Outer Jacket: NONE Configuration: PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONSNumber per Carton: 12Carton Weight: |